EDUROAM on Linux OS Using NM-APPLET Application

Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 14.07.2015 13:35

The nm-applet is a GUI tool for easy wireless networking management in Linux. If it's not included with your distribution, follow the instructions at

In different Linux versions, the GUI of NetworkManager application could be slightly different, but the settings (wireless network parameters) are always the same.

Setting profile:

  1. Right click on Network Manager icon, choose Edit Connections, choose Wireless and click on Add
  2. Follow the settings on screen below:

  3. Fill Username field in form and Password with your wifi password.
    For radius server authentication, you will need certificate of the certification authority named AddTrust External CA Root. You can download this certificate here in text (PEM) format. In some Network Manager versions, there could be problems with PEM format certificate. In this case, please use following command to convert PEM format to DER format:

     openssl x509 -in tcs-ca-AddTrust_External_CA_Root.pem.crt -out tcs-ca-AddTrust_External_CA_Root.der -outform DER 

    and use the new converted certificate file.

  4. If you have problems with RADIUS server authentication, just skip this step (less secure):
