Listing of commands - verify the connection to the University network
Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 29.08.2017 12:43
In some cases it's suitable to send listings of these commands to technicians for better diagnosis:
- ipconfig /all
- arp -a
- route print
- netsh lan show profiles
- In Windows 10/8 press WinKey+R and enter command cmd.
In Windows 7 open the Start Menu and type cmd in search box. Press Enter or click the mouse on the cmd searched.
- Type command ipconfig /all
Click on icon in the left upper corner and choose Edit → Choose all
Then click on the icon again and choose Edit → Copy
- Copied text enter (CTRL+V) to the notepad (Start → All programs → Accessories → Notepad) or application Word, OpenOffice and save the document.
- Type command arp -a and save the listing by same procedure as above..
- Type command route print and save the listing by same procedure as above.
- Type command netsh lan show profiles and save the listing by same procedure as above.
- You can send the saved listings via web interface similarly to the screenshots see in Annex - slide of the screen (printscreen) or Adding the additional information to request.