Password change and follow-up changes
Last modified by ser0018 on 21.04.2015 14:39
With the change of a single password then change of password is needed wherever you use it for work with mail, log into the computer with the Novell client, etc.
Amendment applies only to systems using a single password see Where is the password? (It does not apply to Citrix Metaframe - services 9530 and 9525).
How to change your password:
- Change your password via a Web site here
Změna jednotného hesla (LDAP) pomocí webového formuláře.
- Reset Password via card
V případě, že se Vám nepodaří změnit si heslo přes uvedený webový formulář, zřejmě jste vyčerpali limit pro provedení změny hesla a účet se zablokoval. Je nutno si heslo resetovat na provizorní heslo a poté jej bez odkladu změnit na heslo trvalé.
Follow-up changes:
Microsoft Outlook - for POP3/IMAP and Microsoft Exchange - while loading mail the initiated dialog for entering a username and password will pop up with check box for save a new password (Remember password).
- Alternatively for POP3/IMAP, you can also proceed through the Tools menu → E-mail Accounts.. → View or change existing e-mail accounts → Change button in your account → Login information section → Password.
Mozilla Thunderbird advertises warning such as " For example, Pass has been successfully implemented..." and you will be asked for a password with a possible option to save your password to Password Manager.
- Alternatively, you can also proceed through the Tools menu → Options → Privacy tab → Saved passwords → button Show passwords → select your account and click Remove → after the finishing the dialogue and trying to load mail a dialogue will be called with the call for entering the password.