Wiki source code of Jednotné heslo

Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 13.07.2015 14:00

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Denisa Wernerová 9.8 1 For access to SSO, university computer network and all others information systems, [[ which are included in the unified password>>doc:uzivatel.hesla.idm-usage.WebHome]], you need a personal number and password.
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Denisa Wernerová 9.8 3 **The username** of the student / employee is assigned to you when enrolling to study / conclude an employment relationship.
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Denisa Wernerová 9.8 6 == Changing the password ==
Martin Výlet 6.1 7
Denisa Wernerová 9.8 8 Once you set a password, it will remain valid for 1 year or until you change it again.
Martin Výlet 6.1 9
Denisa Wernerová 9.8 10 === **1. I know my current password** ===
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Denisa Wernerová 9.8 12 If you want to change your current password and remember it, do so on the password change form [[Initial password setup>>url:]].
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Denisa Wernerová 9.8 15 === **2. I forgot my password** ===
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Denisa Wernerová 9.8 17 Users who have not yet set a password or have forgotten their password can set a new password by [[generating a verified code>>url:]].
18 The prerequisite is a filled-in telephone number in [[personal info.>>url:]].
Martin Výlet 6.1 19
Denisa Wernerová 9.8 20 **Change procedure:**
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Denisa Wernerová 9.8 22 * Fill in your login name (e.g. abc1234). Check the "I'm not a robot" box and click "Generate the verification code". Then you will receive an SMS with a verification code, which you write in the form for changing the password. Then fill in the field for the new password and click on "Set password".
Martin Výlet 6.1 23
Denisa Wernerová 9.8 24 **I did not receive the verification code**
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Denisa Wernerová 9.8 26 a) You have the wrong phone number set in your profile (e.g. typo, change number) or not saved at all. If you are a (% style="color:#e74c3c" %)student(%%), contact your [[study department>>url:]] to request a telephone contact adjustment. If you are an (% style="color:#e74c3c" %)employee(%%), contact the [[Card Centre>>url:]] or your [[faculty administrator>>url:]] to set a password, and then update your contact information in your [[personal info>>url:]].
27 \\b) The SMS message cannot be sent to your phone number - we send SMS to EU mobile numbers. Other users must have a contact email listed in their [[personal info>>url:]] so that they can set a password. This only works if user is setting up their password for the first time.
29 c) The SMS may be delivered with a delay. Please wait for the code to be delivered.
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Denisa Wernerová 9.8 32 == Reset password with card ==
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Denisa Wernerová 9.8 34 If you forget your password, you can have it reset to a(% style="color:#e74c3c" %) temporary password(%%) after verifying your employee / student card.
35 After the reset, it is necessary to change the temporary password to your[[ own new password>>url:]] immediately
36 Personal presence at the password reset to check your identity is a necessary precaution to prevent misuse of this tool and unauthorized access to your account. Likewise, the password cannot be sent by e-mail.
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Denisa Wernerová 9.8 38 **Workplaces that handles password reset by card:**
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40 * Ostrava
Denisa Wernerová 9.8 41 ** At [[Card centre>>url:]] on the ground floor of the building A – office **A 148**, **A 149**, **Ostrava-Poruba**
42 ** At the lending department of the **[[Central Library>>url:]] **(**UK** building), **Ostrava-Poruba**.
43 ** At the branch of the Central Library located at the **FBI** **Ostrava-Výškovice**, Lumírova Street.
44 ** At the branch of the Central Library located at **FAST Ostrava-Poruba**, L. Podéště 1875, room **A104**.
45 ** At the classroom [[PC pavilion>>url:]] (PCP) on VSB-TUO dormitories building **D** (on the ground floor behind the gatehouse), **Ostrava-Poruba**.
46 * Detached workplace
47 ** At **HGF** in **Most**: Study Department, room **K 506**
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Denisa Wernerová 9.8 49 In case of problems or other questions, you can contact the [[Helpdesk>>helpdesk.WebHome]].
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Denisa Wernerová 9.8 52 == Helpful links ==
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Denisa Wernerová 9.8 54 * [[Test your account/password via the web>>url:]]
55 * [[Account Details>>]]
56 * [[Reasons for the regular password change, basic knowledge of passwords>>]]
57 * [[Password change and follow-up changes>>]]