Changes for page Jednotné heslo

Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 11.09.2024 13:25

From version 1.1
edited by ser0018
on 21.04.2015 14:13
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 7.2
edited by Denisa Wernerová
on 07.06.2024 10:54
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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1 -Jednotné heslo
1 +Unified password
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1 +XWiki.wer022
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1 +For access to SSO, university computer network and all others information systems, [[ which are included in the unified password>>doc:uzivatel.hesla.idm-usage.WebHome]], you need a personal number and password.
1 1  
2 -For access to the academic computer network and also to all other information systems where the unified password is used (see [[here>>url:]], you need:
3 +**The username** of the student / employee is assigned to you when enrolling to study / conclude an employment relationship.
3 3  
4 -**Login/ID** - Personal student's/employee's number (you will obtain this number when you become a student or employee).
5 5  
6 +== Changing the password ==
6 6  
8 +Once you set a password, it will remain valid for 1 year or until you change it again.
7 7  
8 -(% style="font-weight: normal;" %)**Password - When your acount is created,you have to go to study department of your faculty where you obtain a default unified/LDAP/IDM/academic password.(People who are born in Czech Republic have set they default passwords as their PIN (Personal Identification Number) number. You have to change this password to some other (**(%%)**[[here>>url:||style="font-weight: normal;"]](% style="font-weight: normal;" %)) as soon as possible, otherwise the password will be blocked after few days.(%%)**
10 +=== **1. I know my current password** ===
9 9  
12 +If you want to change your current password and remember it, do so on the password change form [[Initial password setup>>url:]].
10 10  
11 -* [[Otestování účtu/hesla přes web>>url:]]
12 -* [[Změna hesla>>url:]]
13 -* [[Reset hesla kartou>>uzivatel.reset-hesla]]
14 -* [[Další informace o účtu>>url:]]
15 -* [[Důvody pro pravidelnou změnu hesla, základní znalosti o heslech>>]]
16 -* [[Změna hesla a návazné změny>>]]
14 +
15 +=== **2. I forgot my password** ===
16 +
17 +Users who have not yet set a password or have forgotten their password can set a new password by [[generating a verified code>>url:]].
18 +The prerequisite is a filled-in telephone number in [[personal info.>>url:]].
19 +
20 +**Change procedure:**
21 +
22 +* Fill in your login name (e.g. abc1234). Check the "I'm not a robot" box and click "Generate the verification code". Then you will receive an SMS with a verification code, which you write in the form for changing the password. Then fill in the field for the new password and click on "Set password".
23 +
24 +**I did not receive the verification code**
25 +
26 +a) You have the wrong phone number set in your profile (e.g. typo, change number) or not saved at all. If you are a (% style="color:#e74c3c" %)student(%%), contact your [[study department>>url:]] to request a telephone contact adjustment. If you are an (% style="color:#e74c3c" %)employee(%%), contact the [[Card Centre>>url:]] or your [[faculty administrator>>url:]] to set a password, and then update your contact information in your [[personal info>>url:]].
27 +\\b) An SMS message cannot be sent to your phone number - we send SMS to EU mobile numbers. Other users must have a contact email listed in their [[personal info>>url:]] so that they can set a password. This only works if user is setting up their password for the first time.
28 +
29 +
30 +== Reset password with card ==
31 +
32 +If you forget your password, you can have it reset to a(% style="color:#e74c3c" %) temporary password(%%) after verifying your employee / student card.
33 +After the reset, it is necessary to change the temporary password to your[[ own new password>>url:]] immediately
34 +Personal presence at the password reset to check your identity is a necessary precaution to prevent misuse of this tool and unauthorized access to your account. Likewise, the password cannot be sent by e-mail.
35 +
36 +**Workplaces that handles password reset by card:**
37 +
38 +* Ostrava
39 +** At [[Card centre>>url:]] on the ground floor of the building A – office **A 148**, **A 149**, **Ostrava-Poruba**
40 +** At the lending department of the **[[Central Library>>url:]] **(**NK** building), **Ostrava-Poruba**.
41 +** At the branch of the Central Library at the **FBI** **Ostrava-Výškovice**, Lumírova Street.
42 +** At the branch of the Central Library at **EkF** **Ostrava 1**, Sokolská Street.
43 +** At the classroom [[PC pavilion>>url:]] (PCP) on VSB-TUO dormitories building **D** (on the ground floor behind the gatehouse), **Ostrava-Poruba**.
44 +** At **FAST** - Computer Technology Unit, L. Podéště 1875, **Ostrava-Poruba**, **A 207**, Pavlína Vrzalová.
45 +
46 +* Detached workplace
47 +** At **HGF** in **Most**: Study Department, room **K 506**
48 +
49 +In case of problems or other questions, you can contact the [[Helpdesk>>helpdesk.WebHome]].
50 +
51 +
52 +== Helpful links ==
53 +
54 +* [[Test your account/password via the web>>url:]]
55 +* [[Account Details>>]]
56 +* [[Reasons for the regular password change, basic knowledge of passwords>>]]
57 +* [[Password change and follow-up changes>>]]