Wiki source code of Eduroam

Last modified by Kateřina Baierová on 07.06.2024 10:53

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1 Eduroam is international project concern with support of mobility and roaming in National research and education network (NREN). The [[CESNET z.s.p.o>>url:]]. is associaton that arch over this project in Czech republic.
3 Advantage for users in academical networks is possibility of using Internet connection not only in home university but on the others academical institutions in Czech republic (universities and Academy of Sciences) and in whole Europe.
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7 == Eduroam at VSB-TUO ==
9 To be able to use Eduroam wireless network at VSB-TUO, please follow the instructions below:
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12 * [[How to set up the "wifi password">>doc:uzivatel.hesla.wifi-heslo.WebHome]]
13 * [[How to set up the eduroam network on VSB-TUO>>doc:tuonet.wifi.WebHome]]
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17 == Eduroam - visitors on VSB-TUO ==
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20 If your university is involved in international project eduroam (Education Roaming) then it is possible to connect to the eduroam with use of same login as in your home institution and in other universities (also involved in the project eduroam).
22 Before you visit our university, check whether your university is involved in the project eduroam. It is advisable before visiting our university to prepare and check connection into eduroam network in your home network.
24 Map containing available eduroam locations in Ostrava, but also in the Czech Republic, is available at [[http:~~/~~/>>url:]]. In Ostrava another university named University of Ostrava is located, which also allows access to this network and thus enhances the availability of eduroam network, particularly in the center of Ostrava. Lecture rooms are particular [[covered>>tuonet.wifi.WebHome]] then rooms with frequent occurrence of students, and also areas where is a large mobility of computer network users.
26 More information about eduroam project can be found at [[http:~~/~~/>>url:]]. Czech eduroam project site can be found at [[http:~~/~~/>>url:]].
28 From eduroam network is not allowed to operate with SMTP protocol, also **ports TCP/25, TCP,UDP/53, CIFS/SMB are blocked**. You obtain an **private IPv4 address and public IPv6 addresses **an direct connection to Internet. Using our computer network is logged and any security incidents will be addressed directly to a specific user, or more precisely, with its domestic organizations.
30 We reserve the right to block end-device or user in our computer network. Particularly, in cases where:
32 * equipment is malware contested
33 * trying to attack other devices in our network or in the Internet
34 * there is copyright violated from this computer
36 Users must keep the [[conditions>>url:]] defined by CESNET.
39 **How you can connect**
41 SSID //eduroam// is visible on all wireless access points on VSB-TUO and supported encryptions are WPA2 + AES.
44 **Eduroam for VSB-TUO's users**
46 The VSB-TUO's users obtain** public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses** from VSB-TUO's address space.
47 \\**Coverage (list of places)**
50 **What to do when you have a problem**
52 Since the operation of eduroam services and their provision is quite complicated (in the chain always appeared several institutions and administrators), you should first contact an administrator in your parent institution when you have a problem. If you've done this, or eventually is it any reason for you cannot perform it, please contact our [[Helpdesk Office>>doc:helpdesk.WebHome]].