Changes for page WiFi
Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 23.10.2024 12:02
From version 1.17
edited by Denisa Wernerová
on 02.12.2015 10:28
on 02.12.2015 10:28
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To version 1.4
edited by Denisa Wernerová
on 31.07.2015 10:16
on 31.07.2015 10:16
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... ... @@ -1,70 +1,58 @@ 1 1 Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava provides on-campus wireless connectivity for its employees and students. Users can access following networks (SSID): 2 2 3 3 4 - ==EDUROAM - preferred connection==4 +(% style="font-size: 18px;" %)TUONET-PEAP / TUONET-PEAP-5G 5 5 6 - Ifyou travel oftenamonguniversities,itmay be usefultosetup[[eduroam>>doc:eduroam]]. This networklsoallows visitors from other academic institutionstonnect totheInternet.6 +**The preffered way to connect.** This network provides you a secure connectivity. Authetication by [[EAP-PEAP>>url:]]. The data are encrypted with [[WPA2>>url:]] and [[AES>>url:]]. 7 7 8 - (% style="color: rgb(204, 0, 0);" %)Enter the username syntax****, eg., as is indicated in the instructions. This username syntax will be strictly required**since 18 November 2015.**8 +**Instructions:** 9 9 10 -(% style="color: rgb(204, 0, 0);" %)Přihlašovací jméno je nutné uvádět ve formátu ****, tedy např., jak je tomu uvedeno v návodu. Tato syntaxe uživatelského jména bude striktně vyžadována **od 18.11.2015.** 11 11 11 +{{container layoutStyle="columns"}} 12 +((( 13 +* [[Windows 8>>]] 14 +* [[Windows 7>>]] 15 +* [[Windows Vista>>]] 16 +* [[Linux - Ubuntu>>tuonet.linux-peap]] 17 +* [[MacOS X>>tuonet.macOS-peap]] 18 +))) 19 +((( 20 +* [[iPhone, iPad>>tuonet.iphone-peap]] 21 +* [[Android>>]] 22 +* [[Nokia/Symbian>>]] 23 +))) 24 +{{/container}} 12 12 13 - (% style="color:rgb(204,0,0);color:rgb(68,68,68)"%)**EduroamConfigurationAssistantTool (trialrun):**26 +Wireless network "tuonet-peap-5g" is available only in 5GHz band on approx. 80% access points in Poruba campus. Its configuration is the same as "tuonet-peap".\\ 14 14 15 -* delete the previous profile eduroam network from your system if you have any, 16 -* you can use [[**direct link**>>url:]] for download assistant tool or 17 -** on the page [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]]** **choose "**download your eduroam installer**", 18 -** choose organization VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 19 -** choose installator for required operating system, 20 -* after running installator enter your VŠB login, syntax **** 21 -* and enter your [[**wifi password**>>doc:uzivatel.wifi-heslo]] 28 + 22 22 23 - EduroamCATsystem is designed as a platform for the cooperation of entities involved in the project eduroam and is not developed or managed bythe TechnicalUniversity ofOstrava. Eduroam CAT installer changesthe security settingsonyour device, you should always make sure that it comes from a trusted source. Therefore, the eduroam CAT installer is undersigned by organization TERENA. Pay attention to the system messages that confirm this fact.30 +(% style="font-size: 18px;" %)EDUROAM 24 24 32 +If you travel often among universities, it may be useful to setup [[eduroam>>doc:eduroam]]. This network also allows visitors from other academic institutions to connect to the Internet. 33 + 25 25 **Instructions:** 26 26 27 27 ((( 28 28 {{container layoutStyle="columns"}} 29 29 ((( 30 -* [[Windows 10>>tuonet.win10-eduroam]] 31 31 * [[Windows 8>>]] 32 32 * [[Windows 7>>]] 41 +* [[Windows Vista>>]] 33 33 * [[Linux - Ubuntu>>tuonet.linux-eduroam]] 34 -* [[MacOS X>>tuonet.mac os-eduroam]]43 +* [[MacOS X>>tuonet.macOS-eduroam]] 35 35 ))) 36 36 ((( 37 37 * [[iPhone, iPad>>tuonet.iphone-eduroam]] 38 38 * [[Android>>]] 48 +* [[Nokia/Symbian>>]] 39 39 ))) 40 40 {{/container}} 41 41 ))) 42 42 43 -== TUONET-PEAP / TUONET-PEAP-5G - (% style="color: rgb(204, 0, 0);" %)this network will be revoked on 8 February 2016(%%) == 44 44 45 - Thisnetwork providesyou a secure connectivity. Authetication by [[EAP-PEAP>>url:]].The data are encryptedwith [[WPA2>>url:]] and [[AES>>url:]].54 +(% style="font-size: 18px;" %)TUONET-SIMPLE 46 46 47 -**Instructions:** 48 - 49 - 50 -{{container layoutStyle="columns"}} 51 -((( 52 -* [[Windows 8>>]] 53 -* [[Windows 7>>]] 54 -* [[Linux - Ubuntu>>tuonet.linux-peap]] 55 -* [[MacOS X>>tuonet.macos-peap]] 56 -))) 57 -((( 58 -* [[iPhone, iPad>>tuonet.iphone-peap]] 59 -* [[Android>>]] 60 -))) 61 -{{/container}} 62 - 63 -Wireless network "tuonet-peap-5g" is available only in 5GHz band on approx. 80% access points in Poruba campus. Its configuration is the same as "tuonet-peap".\\ 64 - 65 - 66 -== TUONET-SIMPLE == 67 - 68 68 The network designed for terminal equipment, which do not support any authentication and encryption mechanisms, or. are technical problems with them. 69 69 Why is not safe to use a network tuonet-simple can be found [[here>>tuonet.nastaveni-tuonet-simple]]. 70 70 ... ... @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ 72 72 73 73 74 74 75 -= =TUONET-MAC==63 +(% style="font-size: 18px;" %)TUONET-MAC 76 76 77 77 A network operated for the needs of Wi-Fi devices that do not support any of the formenentioned mechanisms or do not work properly. Users must explicitly register these devices at CIT. Only employees' devices will be registered. 78 78 ... ... @@ -81,5 +81,6 @@ 81 81 **See also:** 82 82 83 83 * [[Frequently Asked Questions>>doc:faq.wifi]] 72 +* [[The Factsheet>>tuonet.sit-tech-info]] (including list of access points). 84 84 * With any troubles, contact your faculty administrators please: [[faculty administrators>>url:]]. 85 85 * It is possible to contact CIT HelpDesk through [[webového rozhraní>>url:]] or on the phone 5666.