Setting TCP/IP, how to find MAC address

Last modified by sle0052 on 14.07.2015 08:44

Setting the TCP / IP protocol

Setting the TCP / IP protocol 

  • In addition to other settings for connection to the university computer network TUONET you must have network settings for TCP/Ipv4 Protocol (Internet Protocol version 4),Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP/IPv6), Gain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically.

Turning off the tunneling IPv6 function in Windows 7/8 and Vista

  • Turning off the tunneling IPv6 function is recommended to do e.g. for correct working of e-mail Exchange on VSB-TUO, during problems with speed of loading websites via IPv6 tunnel connections, mapping network disks etc.

Microsoft network client

  • Enables your computer to use recources in Microsoft Network. It's necessary for ASPI, disk connection from homeN server without using Novell client and for some network printers.

IP address in Windows 7

IP address (IPv4/IPv6) in Windows 7

  • Find the IP address in the command prompt or in Control Panel.

MAC address in Windows 7 and MAC OS X

MAC address is group of letters A - F and numbers 0 - 9.

MAC adresa 

  • Find the MAC address.

Additional guidance for connecting to the network and Microsoft network client             

How to recognize "wire" and wireless connection

  • Common mistake with notebooks is confusion of ethernet network adapter with wireless interface wifi.

Ping - Verify the connection to the University network

  • Verify the functionality of the connection to the University network using command ping.

Command listing - Verify the connection to the University network

  • Listing of commands ipconfig /all, arp -a, route print to check problems with the connection to the University network.

Network adapters in Device manager

  • View of network devices in Device manager, check whether the adapter is not disabled, detection of manual settings of MAC address, return changes of drivers.

Připojení počítače do sítě univerzity

How to connect a PC to network

  • Network guests (for example conference). Dormitory users from academic institutions in the Eduroam network. Students - How to connect your PC at dormitory (Ostrava-Poruba and Dr.Malého).

More information    

For more information about MAC address, how to use ping and other commands to diagnose network problems see   guides in czech language.