Changes for page Prevence - jak zabezpečit počítač
Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 23.08.2024 13:14
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... ... @@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ 3 3 (% colspan="2" %)Basic points to secure the computer: 4 4 5 5 1. Regular [[updates>>pc.bezpecnost.aktualizace.WebHome]] of operating system on your computer. If you don't manage the computer or it isn't managed by CIT, contact your [[faculty/department administrator>>url:]]. 6 -1. Installed and **updated [[antivirus program>>pc.antivir]]**. 7 -1. Installed and set firewall. From [[Microsoft>>pc.win7-8-firewall]] or in case that you are sufficiently knowledgeable you can use firewall within other antivirus program. 8 -1. Suitable choice of the [[password>>]] and caution when handling it. 6 +1. Installed and **updated [[antivirus program>>pc.bezpecnost.antivir.WebHome]]**. 7 +1. Installed and set firewall. From [[Microsoft>>pc.bezpecnost.aktualizace.win7-8-firewall.WebHome]] or in case that you are sufficiently knowledgeable you can use firewall within other antivirus program. 8 +1. Suitable choice of the [[password>>]] and caution when handling it. 9 9 1. Set the password for admin account. 10 10 1. In Windows Vista check if you have enabled User Account Control (UAC). Go via **Start → Control Panels → User accountsy → Your account where click on link Enable or disable UAC and check** the choice **To protect the computer, use UAC.** 11 11 1. Use safe communication protocols SSH, HTTPS (they don't transfer password in open form). For other protocols, e.g. POP3 and IMAP for email, use SSL (Secure Socket Layer).