Wiki source code of Prevence - jak zabezpečit počítač
Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 29.08.2017 12:42
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1 | In the base it's not enough to have all updates of system/applications with antivirus but it is necessar to use common sense during surfing on the Internet, where do you click and what do you download/install. | ||
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3 | (% colspan="2" %)Basic points to secure the computer: | ||
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5 | 1. Regular [[updates>>pc.bezpecnost.aktualizace.WebHome]] of operating system on your computer. If you don't manage the computer or it isn't managed by CIT, contact your [[faculty/department administrator>>url:]]. | ||
6 | 1. Installed and **updated [[antivirus program>>pc.bezpecnost.antivir.WebHome]]**. | ||
7 | 1. Installed and set firewall. From [[Microsoft>>pc.bezpecnost.aktualizace.win11-firewall.WebHome]] or in case that you are sufficiently knowledgeable you can use firewall within other antivirus program. | ||
8 | 1. Suitable choice of the [[password>>]] and caution when handling it. | ||
9 | 1. Set the password for admin account. | ||
10 | 1. In Windows Vista check if you have enabled User Account Control (UAC). Go via **Start → Control Panels → User accountsy → Your account where click on link Enable or disable UAC and check** the choice **To protect the computer, use UAC.** | ||
11 | 1. Use safe communication protocols SSH, HTTPS (they don't transfer password in open form). For other protocols, e.g. POP3 and IMAP for email, use SSL (Secure Socket Layer). | ||
12 | 1. Higher attention to visited websites, opened links and email messages etc. | ||
13 | 1. Caution when downloading software, application plugins etc.. | ||
14 | 1. Many attack are directed to users of MS Internet Exploreru, try to use e.g. browsers (free download) [[Mozilla Firefox>>]], [[Google Chrome>>url:]] or [[Opera>>url:]]. | ||
15 | 1. Consider change of rights of your account from administrator to user in the group USERS, it will limit application installations but also undesirable software. You can do the change via// //**Start → Settings → Control Panels → User accounts → Your account → Change type of account →** choice **With limited access**. | ||
16 | 1. Regularly do backups of your data for case of reinstalation of the computer. Do the backup preferably to another physicall disk or other media (USB disk, CD/DVD). In case of infection of data and their healing by deleting you will have them in backup. | ||
17 | 1. Educate yourself on computer security, viruses and attack are becoming increasingly sophisticated. |