Changes for page Osobní číslo a hesla
Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 06.09.2024 13:49
From version 10.6
edited by Denisa Wernerová
on 06.09.2024 13:28
on 06.09.2024 13:28
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- Title
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -P ersonal number and passwords1 +Password - Content
... ... @@ -1,39 +1,70 @@ 1 -{{toc depth="3" numbered="true"/}} 1 +* [[How to LDAP password - recovery>>||anchor="postup"]] 2 +* [[How to WiFi password>>||anchor="wifi"]] 3 +* [[I don't know my login and password>>||anchor="log"]] 4 +* [[Will I have access into university systems after I finish my degree examinations?>>||anchor="szz"]] 5 +* [[How to obtain password?>>||anchor="hesl"]] 6 +* [[I can not come to school to reset my password>>||anchor="zabl"]] 7 +* [[I can not change my password, error saying disallowed characters>>||anchor="zm"]] 8 +* [[Login to accommodation system>>||anchor="ubyt"]] 2 2 3 3 ---- 4 4 5 -= How can I find my personal number? = 12 +{{id name="postup"/}} 13 +**How to LDPA password - recovery.** 6 6 15 +1. **Check** if your password/account is really blocked. You can do so [[here>>url:]]. 16 +1. Password can be set to default value using **your student card** at card centre or on few other places. You can find more information [[here>>doc:uzivatel.hesla.jednotne-heslo.WebHome]]. 17 +1. You can also come to [[administrator of your department/faculty>>url:]], who can reset your password after verification of your identity similarly as the card centre. 18 +1. After your password is set to default value, you must as soon as possible change it. You can do so [[here>>url:]]. 19 +1. ** **More information about [[password usage>>doc:uzivatel.hesla.idm-usage.WebHome]]. 7 7 8 - Your assigned personal number (university login) can be found in your online application and is also listed on your student ID card issued by the [[Card Center>>]]. Staff members get their ID numbers when they start working here. The first three letters of your ID number are the same as the first three letters of your last name, for example, ABC1234.21 +---- 9 9 10 -= What is an unified password used for? = 23 +{{id name="wifi"/}} 24 +**How to WiFi password?** 11 11 12 -A single sign-on allows you to log in to various university systems using a single set of credentials. Examples of such systems include EDISON, InNET, the cafeteria system (Mensa), email, VPN, and others. A list of systems that are part of the single sign-on (SSO) system can be found on the page [[Where is single sign-on used>>doc:uzivatel.hesla.idm-usage.WebHome]]. 26 +To log into the Wifi network to use a different password than what you are logging in Edison, email etc. 27 +You can set your WiFi password [[here>>doc:uzivatel.hesla.wifi-heslo.WebHome]]. 13 13 14 -= I Forgot My Password = 15 15 16 -You can reset your unified password by [[generating a verification code>>]] sent via SMS. The prerequisite is having your phone number filled in your [[personal settings>>]]. 17 -If the phone number is outdated, entered incorrectly, or no phone contact was provided, it is not possible to reset the password remotely. In such cases, you can visit a contact point, where your identity will be verified, and the password will be reset (e.g., the Card Center), or contact your study department (for students) or the faculty administrator (for employees) to update your phone contact information. 30 +---- 18 18 19 -= How Can I Verify the Validity of My Password or Account? = 32 +{{id name="log"/}} 33 +**I don't know my login and password.** 20 20 21 -You can verify the validity of your unified password or account on the Login Issues page. 35 +If you want to log in one of systems using unified password ([[LDAP password>>doc:uzivatel.hesla.jednotne-heslo.WebHome]]), please enter into Login your [[personal number>>doc:uzivatel.hesla.jednotne-heslo.WebHome]]. 36 +Your personal number is written on your student card. You can also ask for your personal number at your study department or [[card centre>>url:]]. 37 +**~ **More information about [[password usage>>doc:uzivatel.hesla.idm-usage.WebHome]]. 38 +You can check if your password/account is blocked [[here>>url:]]. 22 22 23 - = How Can I Change My Password? =40 +---- 24 24 25 -You can change your unified password on the Change Password page. The form requires you to enter your current password, so you must remember it. The new unified password is valid for one year. 42 +{{id name="szz"/}} 43 +**Will I have access into university system after I finish my degree examinations?** 44 +Yes. After you finish your degree examinations will be your relation with university changed from "Student" into "Absolvent" and you will have access for next six months with some limitations. 26 26 27 - = How Can I Find Out My Current Password? =46 +---- 28 28 29 -It is not possible to retrieve your existing unified password. 48 +{{id name="hesl"/}} 49 +**How to obtain password?** 50 +We have no way to find out your unified password (LDAP password). 51 +Reset your password: [[password - recovery>>||anchor="postup"]]. 30 30 31 - = How Do I Set a WiFi Password? =53 +---- 32 32 33 -You can set your WiFi password on the Change WiFi Password page. You can also view your current WiFi password there. 34 -The WiFi password is valid for one year, and if the user does not change it by the end of this period, it will automatically reset to a random value. 35 -The WiFi password is not the same as the unified password! 55 +{{id name="zabl"/}} 56 +**I can not** come to school to reset my password. 57 +It's required to be present in person to reset your password. Proving your identity is necessary preventive measure, which prevent misuse of this tool and unauthorized access to your account. 58 +Follow instructions: [[password - recovery>>||anchor="postup"]]. 36 36 37 - = Can I Log Into University Systems After Completing the Final State Exams (SZZ)? =60 +---- 38 38 39 -Yes. After completing the SZZ, your relationship with the university changes from "Student" to "Graduate," and you can continue to log in with your unified password for up to 6 months. However, certain functions in some systems (e.g., EDISON) may be restricted. 62 +{{id name="zm"/}} 63 +**I can not change my password, error saying disallowed characters.** 64 +Do not use letters with accents or the gap. If you can not log in system, follow these instructions: [[password - recovery>>||anchor="postup"]]. 65 + 66 +---- 67 + 68 +{{id name="ubyt"/}} 69 +**Login to accommodation system** 70 +If you are unable to login to the system of accommodation, please contact the accommodation department ([[>>url:]] or [[>>]]).