Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 23.08.2024 14:14

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Denisa Wernerová 23.4 1 The main advantage of this client over standard VPN clients is better communication from behind firewalls. This is achieved by using SSL/TLS instead of IPSec.
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Denisa Wernerová 23.4 3 **How to install:**
5 1. Install **Cisco Secure Client** through the App Store. Once started, proceed through the options **"No Connections"** > **"Add VPN Connection..."**. Fill in the description and server address **** and save. Allow adding VPN configuration.
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Denisa Wernerová 23.4 8 1. Input your iPhone passcode and follow the prompts for the newly generated profile. Enable the **"AnyConnect VPN"** button, choose the **VSB** group, utilize your **university login** (such as abc123) as your username, and input your **[[unified password>>doc:uzivatel.hesla.jednotne-heslo.WebHome]]**. Upon clicking the **"Connect"** button, the VPN connection will be established.
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Denisa Wernerová 23.4 11 1. The official documentation is available on the following page: [[Cisco Secure Client (including AnyConnect)>>url:]]