Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 05.11.2024 09:19

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Denisa Wernerová 15.1 1 **Setting the TCP / IP protocol**
bac0025 1.3 2
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 3 [[Setting the TCP / IP protocol>>tuonet.sit-nastaveni.tcp-ip.WebHome]]
bac0025 1.3 4
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 5 * In addition to other settings for connection to the university computer network TUONET you must have network settings for TCP/Ipv4 Protocol (Internet Protocol version 4),Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP/IPv6), Gain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically.
bac0025 1.3 6
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 7 [[Turning off the tunneling IPv6 function in Windows>>]]
bac0025 1.3 8
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 9 * Turning off the tunneling IPv6 function (% style="color:#cc0000" %)is recommended(%%) to do e.g. for correct working of e-mail Exchange on VSB-TUO, during problems with speed of loading websites via IPv6 tunnel connections, mapping network disks etc.
bac0025 1.3 10
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 11 [[Microsoft network client>>tuonet.sit-nastaveni.kl-site-m.WebHome]]
Denisa Wernerová 2.3 12
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 13 * Enables your computer to use recources in Microsoft Network. It's necessary for ASPI and for some network printers.
bac0025 1.3 14
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 16 **IP address in Windows**
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Denisa Wernerová 15.1 18 [[IP address (IPv4/IPv6) in Windows>>tuonet.sit-nastaveni.ip-adresa.WebHome]]
bac0025 1.3 19
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 20 * Find the IP address in the command prompt or in Control Panel.
bac0025 1.3 21
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 23 **MAC address in Windows and MacOS**
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Denisa Wernerová 15.1 25 [[MAC address>>tuonet.sit-nastaveni.mac-adresa.WebHome]]
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Denisa Wernerová 15.1 27 * Find the MAC address. MAC address is group of letters A - F and numbers 0 - 9.
bac0025 1.3 28
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 30 **Additional guidance for connecting to the network and Microsoft network client**
bac0025 1.3 31
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 32 [[How to recognize "wire" and wireless connection>>tuonet.sit-nastaveni.drat-wifi.WebHome]]
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Denisa Wernerová 15.1 34 * Common mistake with notebooks is confusion of ethernet network adapter with wireless interface wifi.
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Denisa Wernerová 15.1 36 [[Ping - Verify the connection to the University network>>]]
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Denisa Wernerová 15.1 38 * Verify the functionality of the connection to the University network using command ping.
bac0025 1.3 39
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 40 [[Command listing - Verify the connection to the University network>>tuonet.sit-nastaveni.vypis-prikazu.WebHome]]
Denisa Wernerová 2.3 41
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 42 * Listing of commands ipconfig /all, arp -a, route print to check problems with the connection to the University network.
Denisa Wernerová 2.3 43
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 44 [[Network adapters in Device manager>>tuonet.sit-nastaveni.sit-adaptery.WebHome]]
Denisa Wernerová 2.3 45
Denisa Wernerová 15.1 46 * View of network devices in Device manager, check whether the adapter is not disabled, detection of manual settings of MAC address, return changes of drivers.