Připojení k síti TUONET v budově kolejí B

Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 02.08.2016 11:58

This procedure is valid from August 15, 2016!

Connecting to the metallic (wired) network at the dormitory building B is realized in a similar manner as in the wireless network.

  • requires no previous registration of the MAC address of the device in NetISu
  • připojit se můžete k libovolné zásuvce a to kdekoliv na budově kolejí B
  • you can connect multiple devices simultaneously, if you have the room available to multiple outlets
  • number of alternately connected devices is not limited
  • you can connect with your eduroam identity even if you are not a student or employee of VSB

Instructions for configuring:

Authentication is implemented using 802.1x protocol framework, to own authentication is used protocol EAP-PEAP + MSCHAPv2. Connection requires to support 802.1x and EAP-PEAP + MSCHAPv2 a wire adapter, network card and OS.