Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 30.08.2024 10:43

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1 1. Download the **"Cisco Secure Client"** app from the **Google Play Store**. Once you've opened the client, tap **"Connections"**. Then, use the plus button to add a new connection. Give your connection a name, like "VSB", in the **"Description"** box. Enter the server address **** where indicated. Tap **"Done"** to save your new connection.
2 \\[[~[~[image:en1.png~]~]>>attach:en1.png]]
4 1. Turn on the **"AnyConnect VPN"** switch. Enter your university login (like abc1234) and [[unified password>>doc:uzivatel.hesla.jednotne-heslo.WebHome]] in the provided fields. For the **"Group"**, keep it as VSB or choose a [[different one>>doc:tuonet.vpn.vpn-skupiny.WebHome]] if needed. Tap **"Connect"** to get started.
5 \\[[~[~[image:en2.png~]~]>>attach:en2.png]]
7 1. To disconnect, simply tap the **"AnyConnect VPN"** switch again.
9 The original Cisco documentation is available [[here>>url:]].