Problémy s připojením počítače do sítě školy na kolejích

Last modified by lus0014 on 29.07.2015 12:12

My internet connection on dormitory doesn't work
Please check following points where can be your problem:

  1. Did you create electronic requisition and was it approved?
    Newly created registration or change of MAC address is valid within one working day.
  2. Have you entered correct MAC address of the network adapter? Pay attention to more network adapters, for example on netbook there can be also WIFI adapter.
  3. Do you have configured "Obtain IP address from DHCP server automatically" and "Obtain address from DNS server automatically" in TCP/IP protocol setup?
  4. Did you try connect more computers into your socket? (various network cards)? It is permited to connect two network cards in a row, Your socket may be temporarily blocked.
  5.  Is LED of your network card lit? (does it have link)?
  6. Problem is often caused by defective cable/connector thats why you should try to connect with different (checked with someone)cable.
  7. Check if you are not in the List of blocked computers in VŠB-TUO network?
    • Check if your personal number is not blocked . (E-mail about blocking have been sent to your school account.)
    • Do you have viruses on your computer thatspread the infection into the network? (E-mail about blocking have been sent to your school account.)
    • You can be blocked for violation for example copyright Act? (E-mail about blocking have been sent to your school account.)
  8. In the manual [Problems with connecting into network on dormitory VŠB-TU Ostrava]] ou can find problem solving for connection to the network on dormitory.
    More here Dormitory - how to activate the connection on dormitory, change socket/MAC address etc.

Requisitions for connecting on dormitory
Do you have LDAP account (are you a student or employee VŠB-TUO)?
Are you currently a student (you don´t have this status if you have finished bachelor's degree and you are not yet student of master degree)?
Can you log into school mailbox (

Students of University of Ostrava accomodated at dormitory VŠB-TUO can go for their login to the card centre. Another way to log into the system is through EduID form which is available on the homepage/log in page IS Netis.

MAC address change
You can do a socket or MAC address change by yourself. - Computer registration on dormitory
EVIDENCE -> DEVICE -> links "MAC address change" and "socket change"

More information here: MAC address change in system Netis

MAC address change is approved within one working day.

Vadí u MAC adresy velikost písmen?
MAC adresa se skládá z číslic 0-9 a písmen a-f a na velikosti písmen nezáleží. Jako oddělovač se mohou vyskytnout (dle operačního systému) znaky ":" nebo "-" nebo  "." nebo i jiné.

Socket release
Previous device registration to this socket was not deleted yet. Please enter these important data so I can remove it:

  • campus
  • floor
  • room
  • socket
  • your login and login of your room-mates (to exclude deleting registrations of your room-mates)
  • room phone number
  • contact

How many devices can I register?
Users on dormitory can have only one device connected in the TUONET network. You can submit the requisition only in case you don´t have any registrated device and unprocessed requisition earlier sended.

Allowed ports from the Internet
We allow temporary access in case that it is IMMEDIATELY required by thesis (or similar work) which cannot be resolved differently (for example  VPN, work in school etc.). So from Internet network we don´t allow ports on demand by default.

Wifi connection to the socket
Connection of wifi router to the dormitory socket is not allowed. You can buy USB ethernet adapter for your notebook MacBook Air which will allow you to connect to the "wire" dormitory network and will expand notebook configuration of the Ethernet interface.

Blocked connections and update the operating system is offline
Pro počítač bez připojení na internet je možné si pomocí programu Offline-Update na jiném počítači s připojením stáhnout aktualizace Windows a tyto pak na počítači bez připojení nainstalovat.

Více viz Jak si stáhnout aktualizace pro počítač bez připojení k internetu.