Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 23.10.2024 11:59

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1 1. Open the page **[[>>]]** in your web browser and click on the link **"Click here to download your eduroam installer"**.
2 1. Search for **"VSB - Technical University of Ostrava"** in the list of organizations.
3 1. Click on **"eduroam"** to download the installer.
4 1. Confirm the download of the profile.
5 1. In the system settings, under the **"General"** tab, go to **"Device Management"**.
6 1. Double-click to run the downloaded eduroam profile.
7 1. Continue by selecting **"Install..."**.
8 1. Confirm by clicking **"Continue"**.
9 1. Enter your Wi-Fi credentials – your personal number in the format **** (e.g., and your [[Wi-Fi password>>doc:uzivatel.hesla.wifi-heslo.WebHome]]. Click on **"Install"**.
10 1. Confirm again.
11 1. Enter your system password.
12 1. The profile has been successfully installed.
13 1. Active eduroam will appear in the list of available Wi-Fi networks.
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17 [[image:tuonet.wifi.macos-eduroam.WebHome@1en.png||alt="1"]]
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