Wireless network TUONET-PEAP on MacOS X 10.6

Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 29.08.2017 12:45

  1. First, you must install certificate of the certification authority AddTrust External CA Root. You can download this certificate in text (PEM) format download here (click right mouse button and choose Save target as...)
  2. Go to the System Preferences dialog and in section Internet & Wireless, choose Network.

  3. Choose Advanced.

  4. In 802.1X tab, use "+" button and add a new user profile Add User Profile named for example tuonet-peap.
    Set your username in format <your personal number@vsb.cz> and type your  wifi password.
    Choose Authentication PEAP.
    In Wireless Network, choose eduroam and security type WPA2 Enterprise.

    Click on Configure Trust.

  5. In Certificates tab, click on "+" button and choose Select Certificate File and browse to the file with certificate "tcs-ca-AddTrust_External_CA_Root.pem.crt" (which you have downloaded in first step).

  6. Go back and click on Connect.