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Last modified by Denisa Wernerová on 29.08.2017 12:42

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Denisa Wernerová 7.1 1 Antivirus program computer security, personal firewall and regular updates is necessar minimum today. In many cases is suitable further check for adware, spyware, phishing etc. including your own active computer protection with increased attention and prudent behavior of the user.
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Denisa Wernerová 7.1 3 [[**Antivirus - antivirus protection**>>pc.bezpecnost.antivir.WebHome]]** **
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Denisa Wernerová 7.1 5 * Antivirus - antivirus protection on University computers. Instalation of antivirus program on the computers owned by VSB-TU Ostrava.
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Denisa Wernerová 7.1 7 [[**Windows update and Firewall**>>pc.bezpecnost.aktualizace.WebHome]]** **
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Denisa Wernerová 7.1 9 * Updates are repairs of security, the newest files of help, drivers etc. which computer needs. Firewall prevents unauthorized users from gaining access to the computer via Internet or the network.
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Denisa Wernerová 7.1 11 [[**Fraudulent messages PHISHING**>>pc.bezpecnost.phishing.WebHome]]** **
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Denisa Wernerová 7.1 13 * These are fraudulent e-mail attacks with goal to elicit personal information like login information to accounts, card PIN etc. from user.
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Denisa Wernerová 7.1 15 **[[I have infected computer, what should I do?>>pc.bezpecnost.zavir-pc.WebHome]]**
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Denisa Wernerová 7.1 17 * What should you do when you have infected computer. Who to contact, what to use to clean the computer.
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Denisa Wernerová 7.1 19 **[[Prevention - how to secure the computer>>pc.bezpecnost.prevence.WebHome]]**
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Denisa Wernerová 7.1 21 * Prevent the intrusion of malicious software into your computer. What is necessary to follow, what is suitable for securing the computer. Or don't you mind leaks of passwords, account numbers, contacts etc.?